Vijay Kumar of Muzaffarnagar to Rashtrapati Bhavan: International Para Athlete Vijay Kumar will meet the President on July 10

Vijay Kumar of Muzaffarnagar to Rashtrapati Bhavan: International Para Athlete Vijay Kumar will meet the President on July 10

Posted on 7/8/2024

The death of an elderly couple due to the current due to the current: had gone to extract water on the roof, accident occurred due to current in the wire

The death of an elderly couple due to the current due to the current: had gone to extract water on the roof, accident occurred due to current in the wire

Posted on 7/8/2024

Demand to start Operation Romeo: SP took public participation meeting, discussion on many issues including cyber and new laws

Demand to start Operation Romeo: SP took public participation meeting, discussion on many issues including cyber and new laws

Posted on 7/8/2024

Woman's neck snatching in Rewari: Snatching: Pushing while taking offerings in the temple; Gold chain was found missing when he put his hand on his neck

Woman's neck snatching in Rewari: Snatching: Pushing while taking offerings in the temple; Gold chain was found missing when he put his hand on his neck

Posted on 7/8/2024

The Chinese army collected weapons near Ladakh: revealing from satellite photo; Bunkers made, armored vehicles also present in the area

The Chinese army collected weapons near Ladakh: revealing from satellite photo; Bunkers made, armored vehicles also present in the area

Posted on 7/8/2024

Congress leader cut a teeth in his wife's ear: woman's charge in Samastipur, husband assaulted; Married 25 years ago

Congress leader cut a teeth in his wife's ear: woman's charge in Samastipur, husband assaulted; Married 25 years ago

Posted on 7/8/2024

Children forced to go to school through mud: They cross the path by resorting to stones, they are not paying attention

Children forced to go to school through mud: They cross the path by resorting to stones, they are not paying attention

Posted on 7/8/2024

NHM employees on indefinite strike: OPD services affected in Pirpainti Referral Hospital, patients are not getting treatment

NHM employees on indefinite strike: OPD services affected in Pirpainti Referral Hospital, patients are not getting treatment

Posted on 7/8/2024

TL meeting- Collector of pending cases reviewed department wise: In cases where the charge sheet is to be sent, send immediately

TL meeting- Collector of pending cases reviewed department wise: In cases where the charge sheet is to be sent, send immediately

Posted on 7/8/2024

Teachers opposed digital register in Jaunpur: District President Amit Singh said- one jute should raise voice, memorandum will be handed over to Chief Minister

Teachers opposed digital register in Jaunpur: District President Amit Singh said- one jute should raise voice, memorandum will be handed over to Chief Minister

Posted on 7/8/2024
