Free text book distribution ceremony

Free text book distribution ceremony

The villagers handed over furniture and camera procure

The villagers handed over furniture and camera procure

Accused of taking money in lieu of fake attendance

Accused of taking money in lieu of fake attendance

Distributed check for assistance of 17 lakh 93 thousand rupees

Distributed check for assistance of 17 lakh 93 thousand rupees

Two dozen councilors sent a letter to the Chief Minister

Two dozen councilors sent a letter to the Chief Minister

Water user organization president union meeting demands reconstruction of food

Water user organization president union meeting demands reconstruction of food

Drains cleaning and road, demand for repair of drains, memorandum submitted

Drains cleaning and road, demand for repair of drains, memorandum submitted

Thousands of lotus blossomed in Nana's Kumbhasagar pond

Thousands of lotus blossomed in Nana's Kumbhasagar pond

Text books distributed

Text books distributed

Better possibilities for fish price -added products: Dr. Singh

Better possibilities for fish price -added products: Dr. Singh
