In Narwal, a young man troubled by domestic discord committed suicide: There was often a dispute between husband and wife, married four years ago

In Narwal, a young man troubled by domestic discord committed suicide: There was often a dispute between husband and wife, married four years ago

Posted on Mon Jul 08 2024

Troubled by domestic discord under Maharajpur police station area of ​​Kanpur, a 30 -year -old man hanged himself and committed suicide. Police reached the spot after receiving information and took the body of the young man in possession and sent it for postmortem. The investigation of the case is involved in the investigation.

Chandralapa, a resident of Khujaupur village in Maharajpur area (30) -year -old son Chandrapal, hanged himself in the house of the house late on Sunday evening with the help of Angare. The family informed the Maharajpur police about the incident. Police reached the spot after receiving information and took the body in possession and sent it to postmortem. When the family went to his room to call Chandrapal to eat food, Chandrapal's body was found hanging from the noose. Family members said that Chandrapal came home from outside on Sunday evening and went straight to his room.

there used to be controversy in husband and wife, often let us tell you that Chandrapal was married to Urmila Devi four years ago. Chandrapal has a son Anoop two and a half years and daughter Sonia is four months old. Villagers said that there is often a dispute between Chandrapal and Urmila over small things. Late Sunday evening, there was a dispute with the wife about something. After which he committed suicide by hanging himself. At present, the police is investigating the case.

Police involved in the investigation of the case, in this regard, Kulgaon Chayaki in -charge Pradeep Kumar said that the initial youth was committing suicide by hanging himself. However, the police is investigating the case. Further action will be taken on the basis of evidence and post -mortem report and Tahrir found at the scene.