NAPA bought 7 thousand tankers water in water scarcity: Municipality spent 50 lakh rupees to quench people in Shujalpur

NAPA bought 7 thousand tankers water in water scarcity: Municipality spent 50 lakh rupees to quench people in Shujalpur

Posted on Tue Jul 09 2024

In order to deal with the water crisis in the summer era in Shujalpur city, the municipality bought about 50 lakh water and fed it to the public. Tubewell mining and water tank were constructed in many areas. Now, after the water is stored in Bamanghat Dam, the city leaves two days in the city

According to the information, 9500 taps in the 25 wards of the city provide water in the city with connections. This time, the water crisis had become a situation of water crisis before the water of Jamdhar and Nevj river was over before the summer. There was a gap of drinking water supply for 12 to 15 days in many areas in the city. When the situation became serious, the municipality started purchasing water from the tanker by sanctioning the rate of drinking water transport.

For this, about 7 thousand water tankers were supplied water supply. The purchase of water was stopped on 27 June. A tanker was put on the municipality's filter plant with a minimum of 4500 liters to 6500 liters of water. 2 large tankers were also engaged in transporting 33 thousand liters of capacity. During this period, about 50 lakh rupees have been spent on drinking water transport.

Now these days, water is being supplied on the third day after leaving two days after the water is stored at Bamanghat Dam. From May 11, the municipality started buying water and was closed on 27 June. A total of 48 days of water was purchased. Accordingly, water of about 1 lakh rupees was purchased to feed the public every day.