Police will be deployed in every locality of Patna: For the convenience of the people, the name-number of the officer will also be marked; Police alert about Muharram

Police will be deployed in every locality of Patna: For the convenience of the people, the name-number of the officer will also be marked; Police alert about Muharram

Posted on Sun Jul 07 2024

In the urban areas of Patna, separate police stations will now be deployed from the police station concerned for every mohallas. For which the name, photo and number of the concerned officer will be mentioned in the mohallas. Due to which people will be able to explain their problems by contacting the beat police officer of their area.

as well as a women's help desk for women in Patna district. For which a permanent number has been released. Where women and girls can tell their problems. Women police officers of local police station will go to school, college and tell women and girls in this regard. A meeting of the peace committee is being held at the police station. Under Section-126 of the Indian Civil Civil Protection Code-2023, they are being filled with bonds by taking appropriate action against the suspects. The path of all the licenses is being verified for the Muharram procession. The procession has been deployed to a police officer of the police station concerned. So that coordination can be established with the organizing committee.

strict action on disregard of traffic rules A fine of 47 crores has been charged from. Also in the year 2024, a fine of Rs 41 crore has been charged from vehicle owners who violated traffic rules in the first six months.

distribution of goods recovered from January to June

< P> weapon- 262

cartridge- 1324

indigenous liquor- 63457 liters

Foreign liquor- 49884 liters

Spirit- 5030 liters

vehicle- 839

Ganja- 95 kg

Smack- 986 g

Charas- 654 g

Mobile- 823

Cash- 13675293 rupees