What’s Your Motivation Style?

1 min

2 points

Find out what motivates you the most and how you can harness it to achieve your goals!

  1. 1 When you set a goal, what's the first thing you do?

    1. I start planning and break it into small steps.
    2. I dive right in and figure it out along the way.
    3. I find someone to share my goal with for accountability.
    4. I visualize the end result and imagine how great it’ll feel.
  2. 2 What keeps you going when challenges arise?

    1. The satisfaction of overcoming obstacles one by one.
    2. The thrill of the challenge itself.
    3. Encouragement and support from the people around me.
    4. The vision of my ultimate success and what it’ll mean.
  3. 3 How do you react to setbacks?

    1. I step back, analyze the situation, and adjust my plan.
    2. I keep pushing through with determination.
    3. I talk to others to get advice and keep my spirits up.
    4. I remind myself that setbacks are part of the journey to success.
  4. 4 What excites you most about achieving your goals?

    1. The sense of accomplishment and knowing I put in the hard work.
    2. The adrenaline rush of crossing the finish line.
    3. Celebrating with others and inspiring them with my success.
    4. The feeling of realizing a dream and creating the life I envisioned.
  5. 5 How do you stay organized and focused on your tasks?

    1. I use detailed to-do lists and schedules to keep myself on track.
    2. I rely on my energy and passion to keep me moving.
    3. I check in with friends, family, or a mentor to stay accountable.
    4. I regularly remind myself of the bigger picture and why I started.
  6. 6 What’s your biggest source of inspiration?

    1. Seeing progress and knowing I’m moving closer to my goal every day.
    2. Watching others who have succeeded before me.
    3. Collaborating and learning from others’ experiences.
    4. Imagining how my success will change my life and the lives of others.
  7. 7 How do you celebrate small wins?

    1. I reflect on what I did well and how I can build on it.
    2. I reward myself with something fun or exciting.
    3. I share my success with the people who supported me.
    4. I use it as fuel to keep pushing toward the next big win.
  8. 8 How do you handle long-term projects or goals?

    1. I break them into manageable chunks and take it step by step.
    2. I stay motivated by constantly pushing myself forward.
    3. I check in regularly with others to stay grounded and focused.
    4. I stay driven by imagining the final outcome and how great it will be.

What's Your Motivation Style?

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  1. Quiz result

    The Planner

    You’re driven by structure, organization, and clear goals. You thrive when you have a plan, and breaking tasks into manageable steps helps you stay motivated. Keep using your strategic thinking to turn dreams into reality.

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  2. Quiz result

    The Go-Getter

    You’re motivated by action, and you love diving right in and making things happen. Challenges energize you, and you’re always ready to take on the next one. Harness that momentum, and you’ll achieve amazing things!

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  3. Quiz result

    The Connector

    You’re fueled by relationships and thrive when you’re part of a team or community. You love sharing your journey with others and find motivation in collaboration and support. Keep building those connections to help you reach your goals.

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  4. Quiz result

    The Visionary

    You’re inspired by the big picture and driven by your dreams. You stay motivated by visualizing your ultimate success and keeping your eyes on the prize. Keep that vision alive, and let it guide you toward your goals!

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