3 members of Alwar’s thief gang arrested: Reiki used to steal during the day, used to steal by car

3 members of Alwar's thief gang arrested: Reiki used to steal during the day, used to steal by car

Nagar police station of Deeg district arrested three members of a stolen gang. This gang first reiki the houses locked in the day. He then targets the house of the gang at night. On the night of 25 and 26 and 26, this gang said that Vinod Kumar, a city police station officer, told that, Omprakash Bansal resident Pappu Stone Company Deeg Road had filed a case on 26 June and told that his Gokuldham is a house. After breaking the lock, some thieves have stolen cash and gold and silver jewelery kept in the house. The police tried to find out about the accused by CCTV footage by the surrounding areas, an attempt was made to locate the accused based on body language in CCTV. Three accused were arrested after taking information from the informers. Told to be Alwar. Right now another accused of this gang is absconding who is being searched. These four days do Reiki and carry out the theft incident at night.

Sho Vinod Kumar said that there was a second time theft incident in Omprakash Bansal’s house. So the police took the matter seriously. Based on the information of the informer, it was found out, it is from Alwar district who stolen the stolen gang. The fourth accused is currently being searched. He will also be arrested soon. The accused used to come by car to carry out the incident. A car has also been seized from the accused.

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