A young man was murdered for abusing: Police arrested two including a minor, police revealed murder in 24 hours

A young man was murdered for abusing: Police arrested two including a minor, police revealed murder in 24 hours

In Kanpur countryside, the young man was beaten to death in a dispute during intoxication. The police have arrested two accused including the minor in the case. In the police interrogation, both the accused have said that they were disturbed by daily abuses. Due to which U

, let us tell that Sumit Kumar (26), a resident of Naubadpur village in Satti area, used to work in a private job in Gujarat. He came to the village a few days ago. Sumit went to the primary school with Ronu (25) and a teenager living in the neighborhood. Everyone sat together and drunk alcohol. After which Ronu and Kishore attacked Sumit with sticks and sticks. At the same time, Sumit was killed during treatment at the district hospital.

After this, the police raided and arrested both the accused within 24 hours. Arrested Ronu and Kishore told in police interrogation that Sumit often used to abuse him after drinking alcohol. Due to which we used to feel our disrespect. Sumit had abused while drinking alcohol late on Friday night.

We made up their mind to get rid of our daily insults and slam Sumit on sticks, sticks and pillars -It and escaped Sumit by bled. At the same time, ASP Rajesh Pandey said that there was abuse during drugs. Due to which both of them beat up Sumit. Both the accused have been arrested. Taking action is being sent to jail.

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