Acharya Parsvachandra and Dr. Padmachandra celebrated initiation day, praised

Acharya Parsvachandra and Dr. Padmachandra celebrated initiation day, praised

Community Reporter | Jodhpur

Jayagachhadhipati 12th Pattadhar Acharya Parshvachandra’s 64th and Dr. Padmachandra’s 37th Diksha Day was celebrated at Jai Guru Shubh Parshala, Laxminagar. Hundreds of Shravak-Shravikas attended the initiation day organized from side. Samani Sudhannidhi praised Acharya Pravar and Munishree. Judge Pradeep Jain also attended the program and honored teachers including JPP Ahimsa Research Foundation, Jodhpur President Gautamchand Khivansara, JPP Jain Anuppeha Dhyan Yoga Academy, JPP Jain Sanskar Vatika on behalf of Jalgaon. On behalf of the Kankaria family, Manmohan Raj Gheeya, Amrita Bhandari, 28th Mahaprayan Day of Tulsi celebrated: Gurudev Tulsi’s 28th Mahaprayan Day was celebrated by the All India Terapanth Mahila Mandal at Jiravala House in connection with Sadhvi Pramod. Namaskar was started with Mahamantra with Mangalacharan of Tulsi Ashtakam. Suresh Jeeravala and Mahila Mandal President Dilkhush Tateed gave light on the life of Acharya Tulsi. Gyanashala convenor Archana Vurd, Kanya Mandal Convenor Kanika Bafna, Anubhavrat Samiti convenor Sudha Bhansali, Devichand Tateed expressed their expressions. Gautam Khivansara, Nirmal Kumbhat, Sangeeta Kankaria, Uttam Gheeya, Samata Darda, Sankesh Kothari, Sheela Kothari, Anil Mehta were also honored. During this time, the presentation of the drama, the small boys of the Vatika introduced the rituals while dancing.

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