Administration issued advisory: Advice not to sit under trees to prevent celestial electricity

The administration has issued necessary advisory for the district dwellers to prevent emerald-emerald electricity. It is advisable to protect yourself from stopping under trees during rains with thunder glow. Locations with fields, industrial places, construction and material handling Are. Celestial lightning can fall at any time. It is more in June-July before the monsoon. The incidents of thunderstorms are most commonly seen between the afternoon and the evening. Highly sharp structures, trees are more likely to fall lightning.

It is advisable to stay away from such places. Avoid metal scaffolding, metal appliances, water pipes or plumbings, contact with electrical operating materials or surfaces. High infrastructure, hill tekri, electric poles, telephone pillars, elevated trees, roof, scaffolding, metal ladder, large machines such as bulldozers, cranes and tractors. Go towards. When on the road, immediately take refuge inside a building. After hearing the roar of celestial electrical roar, stay in a safe place for at least 30 minutes.

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