Army school teacher arrested for 3 years: Allegations of molestation of schoolgirl were declared Mafrur

Army school teacher arrested for 3 years: Allegations of molestation of schoolgirl were declared Mafrur

Nayapura police station has arrested the teacher of Army School on charges of molestation of schoolgirl. Accused Santosh Kumar (46) resident of Meerut UP Hall Rangpur Road No. 2 Dadwara police station is a resident of Bhimganj Mandi. During the sports on the teacher, the schoolgirl was Rasi

Nayapura police station SHO Laxmichand told that on August 4, 2017, a woman had complained to the police station. In the complaint, the teacher of the school Santosh Kumar physically touches the girl students during sports and also tampering. It also uses abusive language. The students had complained to this oral and in writing. All these girls are under 15 years of age. On the complaint of the woman, a case was registered against the accused teacher in another section including the Poxo Act. The accused was declared as Mafru on 31 July 2021 by the court. The allegation was absconding for three years. Vicious Standing Warranty is arrested.

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