Ashraf’s wife Zainab, Bulldozer will run at brother -in -law’s house: Luxurious house built on the property of Waqf Board, Zaid Master was the narrator

Ashraf's wife Zainab, Bulldozer will run at brother -in -law's house: Luxurious house built on the property of Waqf Board, Zaid Master was the narrator

Action is underway on relatives of Mafia Brothers Atik Ahmed and Ashraf and IS-227 gang members in Prayagraj. Ashraf’s absconding wife, the house of Zainab Fatima, a prize of 25 thousand, is now under action. It is the property of the Waqf Board. Zainab, his brother Zaid Master Na

Zainab as well as Zaid Master is absconding. The administrative team was also investigated with the police regarding the assets worth 50 crores in Sallahpur. Now Prayagraj Development Authority is going to run this property. Many times, the houses came to light by breaking the PDA squad and taking the Waqf property. However, the matter was postponed due to security reasons. Now on Thursday afternoon, there is a preparation to run bulldozers at Jainam Fatima and Zaid Master’s house. The order to reach the force at 12 noon was done at 12 noon.

The force of several police stations under the leadership of ACP will be posted by the police, the police have prepared to vacate the bulldozer and waqf property at the house of Zaid Master. The force of two ACPs, Puramufti, Dhumanganj, airport police stations will be present on the spot. A team has also been ordered to send a team from the police line. Three teams led by the Zonal Officer of PDA will reach Sallahpur. Police officers have sought force.

Our force will be ready, PDA will take action Adi has captured and built houses. It has been ordered to demolish it. Our force is ready. Action will be taken by the PDA.

Care Taker of Waqf Land had filed the case

Ashraf’s wife Zainab and his brother Zaid Master are residents of Hatwa village of Puri Mufti. . Ashraf’s brother -in -law Zaid Umesh Pal has been absconding since the murder. In November 2023, a case was registered against him for grabbing property worth Rs 50 crore of Waqf Board.

This case was registered by Care Taker Mabud Ahmed. In the case, before the Waqf land, Mutavalli Mo. Assium, Ashraf’s wife Zainab, brother -in -law Zaid and Saddam, Shibli Pradhan and others were named. /P>

Care Taker Mabud Alam said in a report written at Puramufti police station- The land of Sunni Waqf Board No. 67 located in Akbarpur Sallapur has been illegally grabbed. Syed Mohammad Ejaz, the owner living in the US, donated 50 crore land to Waqf Board years ago. Its Mutavalli Mo Was Assive. It was Mutavalli who appointed him to take care of the property.

Mabud Alam said- He went out of the district in connection with the treatment of cancer. Meanwhile, Mutavalli Mo. Asiat played the game. Ashraf’s wife Zainab Fatima, Ashraf’s brother-in-law Zaid, Saddam Hatwa village head historyheater Shivli and Tariq were connivated. After this, this land was captured. While the owner living in the US did not sign in the sale letter of land. The land was grabbed through the documents composed and the construction work was done on it.

the last location of Zainab was found in Hatwa village The wife of Zainab Fatma Umesh Pal is absconding since the murder. His last location was found in his maternal home Hatwa village. The police teams then even flown the drone in search of him. However, Zainab was not detected. It is said that she ran out among the Burkanashi women. After this, raids were conducted in districts of Delhi, Meerut, Bareilly etc. besides Prayagraj in search of Zainab. Later, a reward of 25 thousand rupees was declared on Zainab.

soon the reward will be declared on Zaid Master,

Zaid Master has registered a case in dozens of cases including grabbing land, demanding extortion. The history sheet of Zaid Master and Saddam was opened 12 days ago. Saddam is currently in jail. DCP Deepak Bhukar said that soon the reward will be declared on Zaid Master, who is absconding.

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