Attack on 3 -year -old Palestinian girl in America: The accused woman tried to submerge in the swimming pool; Mother’s hijab pulled, kicked

Attack on 3 -year -old Palestinian girl in America: The accused woman tried to submerge in the swimming pool; Mother's hijab pulled, kicked

A woman in Texas, USA tried to kill a 3-year-old Palestinian-American girl. According to CNN, the victim’s mother was wearing a hijab before the incident. His children were swimming in the pool. Then a woman named Elizabeth Wolf, 42, reached there.

She asked the woman wearing hijab where she is from and is her children swimming in the pool. To this the woman replied that she is an American citizen. However, basically she belongs to Palestine. After this, Elizabeth started pulling her 6 -year -old child from the woman’s hand. The woman somehow rescued her son.

Elizabeth immediately moved towards her 3 -year -old daughter. She started trying to drown her in the swimming pool. During this, he took off the woman’s hijab and kicked her. However, the woman managed to save her daughter. During this time a person present nearby also helped her. It was constantly coughing. After this, the police reached the spot and arrested Elizabeth. She was constantly shouting that the woman and her whole family would kill.

The mother of the victim’s girl said, “I am an American citizen. I don’t know where I can be safe. The war is going on in Palestine. In America, we are constantly facing hatred. I hide, she is afraid that my husband is not able to do his job again and again. I am upset, there should be no violence against children, the President of America Joe Biden also reacted on the matter on Monday that he is very upset with the news of the Palestinian woman’s attack on the children. I am with the family of the victim in this difficult time. According to the report of the Guardian, Elizabeth has taken a bail of 40 thousand dollars to be released from jail till the case is resolved. In case of effort, a bond of 25 thousand dollars has to be filled in the US. In the case of attack on the child, this amount is 15 thousand dollars.

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