Attack on father-son in electoral rivalry in Palwal: People who came to rescue, try to set fire to shop

Attack on father-son in electoral rivalry in Palwal: People who came to rescue, try to set fire to shop

Due to electoral rivalry in Palwal, Haryana, Malma has come to light to attack the father and son sitting at the shop on a minor argument. On the complaint of the injured father, the Chandhat police station filed a case against 22 nominated and other accused in various sections. His son Pawan shops for groceries and hardware at the base of village Solda. Gaurav, a resident of the village, runs a medical store in the neighborhood of his shop. His sons Pawan and Gaurav had an argument about something.

Gaurav’s uncle is the sarpanch of the village, who asked his nephews and brothers to fight with him. After planning at the sarpanch’s office the next day of Kahsuni, accused Yogesh and Vipin reached his son’s shop with 20-25 weapons armed boys in four-five vehicles. At that time, the victim was also sitting with his son at the shop.

Attack at the shop

The accused attacked his son Pawan as soon as he arrived. When he tried to save him, he also started fighting with him. Hearing the noise of the quarrel, Mukesh, Narpat, Kusham, Rupan, Dharmavati, Ritika and Hukam came from their house, and the accused also attacked them with swords. When accused Tuhiram fired at Narpat with a pistol in his hand, the pistol magazine came out and fell on the ground and did not shoot. After which the accused also tried to fire by putting petrol at our shop. About nine people suffered injuries in this quarrel. It is alleged that the attackers have also looted mobile phones.

The accused threatened that if they say something to the people of the sarpanch, they would end their lives. Police on the complaint of the victim, Rampal, Satpal, Yogesh, Gaurav, Akash, Vipin, Mahendra, Rothi, Ammi alias Amir Singh, Prince, Tuhiram, Kripal, Nanak, Akash, Vikash, Seema, Chetram, Sukhbir, Devendra, Bijjan, Rampal And has started searching by registering cases against Man Singh and others in various sections.

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