Awareness for prevention of malaria is the best solution

Awareness for prevention of malaria is the best solution

Bhaskar Correspondent | Biston

Sector level malaria workshop was organized on Saturday at the Primary Health Center. Medical officer Dr. Shubham Gupta said that do not allow water accumulation anywhere in your house or around. If you see larvae in a water filled vessel or elsewhere, then immediately destroy it so that mosquito does not come to adult state.

This will prevent malaria disease infection. Dr. Praveen Patel said that awareness is the best ways to prevent malaria disease. Malaria Inspector Ashok Kushwaha advised the plains activists to make the villagers aware by November, as mosquitoes are favorable for breeding during this period. Dr. Patel administered the oath to the employees that all their villages will free malaria. Health workers of other villages including MPW Iqbal Sheikh, ANM were present in the workshop.

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