Bakra Eid celebrated with Akadit in Pali: Mominas offered prayers and praying for peace in the country

Bakra Eid celebrated with Akadit in Pali: Mominas offered prayers and praying for peace in the country

The festival of Kurbani was celebrated with Akidat in Pali on Eid-ul-Azha Monday. The Imam, present in other mosques including Mastan Baba Idgah of the city, offered Eid prayers to Mominas. After offering Namaz, he hugged each other and congratulated Eid. Many people offered the prayers of Eid-ul-Azha in Indra Colony, Idgah, Naya village Idgah with the main Idgah Mastan Baba of Pali city in the needy. In various mosques of the city, the Imams of the mosques offered prayers at the time of Namaz at the scheduled time. Other administrative officials including ADM Rajesh Goyal wearing garlands and safas performed it. At the same time, Sadar Hakim Bhai of Muslim society, Vice President Haji Mehboob Tea also put garlands and safa to administrative officials. Police were deployed under the leadership of police officers under the leadership of police officers in other Muslim mohallas of the city including Mastan Baba Idgah of the city. Spokesperson Shakeel Nagauri told- 6:30 am in the city’s Sindhis, 6:40 am in Muslim Musafir Khana, 6:50 am in the mosque of Bhishtis, 7 am in the mosque of offerings, 7 am 7:30 pm, Masjid -e -Gagsul Vara Durga Colony at 7:30 am, 7:30 am in Habibi Masjid Mandia Road, 7:30 am in the railway station mosque, Nadi Mohalla in Nadi Mohalla Badi Masjid at 7:30 am , 7:30 pm in the mosque of Pinjars, 7:30 am in the mosque of bohros, 7:40 am in the mosque of Ghosian Cemetery, Hussaini Mosque in Rahim Colony at 7:50 am, Mastan Baba Idgah at 8 am, Namaz was offered at 8 am in Nadi Mohalla Chhoti Masjid, Nurani Mosque Manpura Bhakri at 8 am.

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