Category: Health News

Ganga-Bahi of Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Jnana Yoga in the Yoga Samagam: Avadheshcharya Maharaj said- equity and harmony is the basis of yoga; Mayor Soumya Gurjar called for planting a tree in the name of Mother India

Ganga-Bahi of Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Jnana Yoga in the Yoga Samagam: Avadheshcharya Maharaj said- equity and harmony is the basis of yoga; Mayor Soumya Gurjar called for planting a tree in the name of Mother India

Yoga Samagam program was organized under the annual theme of Brahmakumari’s annual theme ‘Healthy Samaj’ by Spiritual Empowerment. On this occasion, everyone resolved to contribute daily to the cleanliness, purity and purity of family,...