Cleanliness app starts again: Your ranking can change one click, there will be 11 types of complaints from cleanliness app

Cleanliness app starts again: Your ranking can change one click, there will be 11 types of complaints from cleanliness app

This app can get this app alone in the survey 100 number

One of your click can improve Bhopal’s ranking in cleanliness. Because the cleanliness app of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has started once again with the new system. Now 11 types of complaints can be made in it, which will have to be resolved under the service level agreement (SLA). That is, the time of every complaint is fixed, if it is not resolved within this time limit, then the numbers will be deducted during the cleanliness survey of Bhopal. If Bhopal Municipal Corporation has met the resolve of complaints, then this app alone can get 100 numbers in the survey.

It has another specialty. If you saw a garbage vulnerable point (GVP) somewhere, but do not know the number of his zone or ward. If you click the picture of that GVP from the phone and upload it in the app, then the geo tagging of that location will start to appear on its own.

will start from today 35 days regular monitoring time will be upgraded to this application since time. Was. It has been launched two days ago. Municipal Corporation Commissioner Harendra Narayan has given instructions to resolve the complaints coming through this app. Regular monitoring of the next 35 days will be started from the control room in the smart city.

A complaint will come again and again, the number will be cut, the number of Number Nigam sources say that if there is no garbage from one place or other types If the complaint comes again and again, it will be considered the flaw of the corporation. The team sitting in such a center sees more in Bhopal, even if the number of spot fine is seen more, the numbers can be deducted. Because the spot fine is only when the complaints are not being resolved properly.

… then re-open the complaint: Your posted picture will be sent to the concerned employee. They will upload a clear picture of the spot, only then the complaint will be considered untreated. If you are not satisfied, you can also re-open the complaint.

can make these 11 types of complaints on the app after download You can easily make these 11 types of complaints. These included garbage dump, no garbage vehicle, dirty dustbin, no sweeping, dead cattle, public toilet, public toilet jam, water supply in public toilet, lack of electricity in public toilet, no electricity in public toilet, open defecation in open defecation Or urinate and sewage related problems.

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