Criminals looted the crop of farmers in Bhagalpur: Allegations of victims continue to be seen, not taken applications

Criminals looted the crop of farmers in Bhagalpur: Allegations of victims continue to be seen, not taken applications

In Bhagalpur, farmers have accused the police of robbing the crop. Actually, there is about 70 bighas of rait land under the Vikramashila bridge. All its documents are present with the farmer. A written complaint from the police has been made by the victim farmer. But the police took the complaint, the case is of Bari Vikramshila Top of the Industrial Area (Jiromile) police station area. In connection with the incident, it is being told that there is about 70 bighas of rayati land under the Vikramashila bridge. In which the crop was being produced by farmer Ganesh Yadav for years. Criminals are running away by cutting the crop in front of the police. Taking a complaint about this, the victim’s family reached the industrial area police station, but there the police station drove away. The police station president cut sixty-sixes from the accused and heard them well.

After the incident, the victim farmer also informed the case from SSP, DIG. But no action has been taken so far. Ganesh Yadav said that the police stopped him from going to his own land and criminals are robbing the crop planted in farming.

Ganesh Yadav further said that if he did not get justice So he will sit on the dharna in front of the office of the District Officer. Giving information about the case to the SSP, he has demanded action against the people of criminal instinct. The land has been demanded to return.

Police President Muralidhar Shah said that there is some private and government land under Vikramshila Top. Which is occupied. Two sides are fighting between themselves. For about 8 days, the officer measured the land regarding the matter. But it has not been completed. Only zone officers will be able to give more information in this regard. We are for law and order.

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