Cyber ​​fraud of 3.86 crore from 4 people in Lucknow: Retired officer-doctor family on target; Fraud also gives profits in stock exchange

Cyber ​​fraud of 3.86 crore from 4 people in Lucknow: Retired officer-doctor family on target; Fraud also gives profits in stock exchange

Cyber ​​thugs in Lucknow have made people a victim of cyber fraud by becoming CBI and IPS officers. Cyber ​​fraud of Rs 3.86 crore in four cases in Lucknow. In this, learn from 2.71 k

these 4 cases by accusing the doctor of doing money laundering in a case related to the National Secret in Hazratganj in Hazratganj …

1. 2.71 crore rupees from the doctor couple in two months

Deepa Rastogi wife Dr. Pankaj Rastogi has complained to the cyber police station on Ashok Marg of Hazratganj Kotwali area. On June 9, at around 2 pm, a call came from unknown number on his mobile. The woman speaking from there told herself to the service department of SBI Customer Care.

during this time it was said that you had issued a credit card on April 2. Out of this, 1 lakh 9669 rupees have been spent. During this, Deepa refused to issue any card. After this, an accused named Ravi Kumar made a video call on WhatsApp and said that your ID has been misused.

He said that you are suspect in Suresh Anurag Money Laundering case. This case is related to the National Secret, not telling anyone. Your ATM card has been received from the accused’s house. 25 lakh rupees were transferred to your account. During this, warrant was also sent. Then gave the number of Navjot Simmi to get out of the case.

on which the video call was made on the other side, the woman appeared in the police uniform. He intimidated the couple and said that I will keep the arrest warrant hold, it is my responsibility for your safety. Many men are posted in security in plain clothes within your 3 km radius.

then asked for money to save from the case. After this, 2 crore 71 lakh 10 thousand rupees were transferred to different accounts from 10 April to 13 June. After this, more amount was demanded, then they came to know of cheating. A case has been registered at the cybercrime police station.

68 million fraud, accused in the fraud of CBI, cheating 13.73 lakh

Manvi Mehrotra, resident of Indiranagar, gave an application at the cyber police station. It was told that on May 23, a call came from unknown number on his mobile. It was told from there that he was speaking from TRAI. The second SIM in your name is Active, from which wrong messages are being sent.

FIR has been filed against you, money laundering is a case. The accused introduced himself as IPS Sunil Kumar Gautam resident Nehru Nagar Police Station Delhi. After this, calling the WhatsApp number and said that in the case, the CBI officer will talk to you.

after this, he talked to someone, he said that you have to send your location every hour and do not talk to anyone in this regard. Is. Told that 40000 rupees are being sent to your account every month. It has a fraud of 68 million.

bank manager Sandeep Kumar has been caught in the case. They have taken your name. The accused also sent fake arrest warrant. Which was the logo of Delhi Police. On May 24, Rs 13,73,653 was transferred to the account number and transferred that it would be deposited in the court.

When asked to transfer Rs 12 lakh again on 27 May, the victim came to know about the cheating. The police is taking further action by registering a case.

According to Kuldeep, a resident of Gomtinagar Extension police station area, on April 21 By adding to the group, the stock exchanges pretended to have rough profits. Talking about being associated with SEBI to the concerned company, he took it in confidence. After this, an app was downloaded.

in which Kuldeep deposited Rs 93,53,500 from various bank accounts. After this, the profit amount in his account made by the accused started showing 6.40 crores. But even after much effort, the amount was not transferred to his account.

When it spoke in this regard, the deposit amount was transferred on depositing 20 percent tax. Then Kuldeep came to know about cheating. A case has been registered in the IT Act at the cyber police station on Kuldeep’s application.

cheating of 7.91 lakh rupees in the name of trading According to Poonam wife Harmanjit Singh, on May 10, her mobile number was added to a WhatsApp group called HDFC Security. Admin put a message and told that you can get more profit by putting less money than trading.

Download the app through the link sent in the bluff. After this, Poonam transferred Rs 7.91 lakh from her and husband’s bank accounts to the bank account given by fraudsters from 17 May to 2 June. And asked to submit. Then the victim realized the fraud. Police have filed a case on the complaint of the victim in the cyber police station.

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