Dead body of a youth found hanging in Chandauli: Family members feared murder, family used to take care of family

Dead body of a youth found hanging in Chandauli: Family members feared murder, family used to take care of family

The body of a youth was found hanging in Shahabganj development block Bhodasar village located in Chakia area of ​​Chandauli. Police recovered the body and sent it for postmortem. Family members have feared murder. Also alleged that the young man was first killed and then his body was found hanging

the body of the young man

tell that Om Chauhan works as a wage of his family. Used to maintain. Last night, his body suddenly found hanging from a sari’s noose in her house. Which caused sensation in the area. As soon as the information was received, a crowd of nearby villagers gathered on the spot. The door of the deceased’s room was open, due to which the relatives have feared murder. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and sent the body for postmortem.

Family members were apprehensive

Police says that further action was taken based on the postmortem report. Will go At the same time, the relatives, who reached the postmortem house, have demanded appropriate action from the police, fearing the murder. Significantly, Om Chauhan used to maintain his family by working as a hard work. After which the body of the young man was found hanging in his own house under suspicious circumstances. At the same time, the door of the room was also found open.

After this, the family has feared the murder of the young man. Due to this sudden incident, the family of the young man was crying in a bad state. At present, the police is investigating the case and is waiting for the postmortem report. Only after the report comes, the correct death of death will be known.

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