Demonstration to remove liquor contracts in Etawah: Women created uproar for 5 hours, assured to shift shops

Demonstration to remove liquor contracts in Etawah: Women created uproar for 5 hours, assured to shift shops

Women demonstrated outside the contracts for about five hours to demand the removal of liquor contracts in Etawah’s Ikdil Nagar Panchayat. Women allege that three men died of drinking alcohol. On the information of the protest, the Excise Inspector, Police Force reached the spot

Women demonstrated in Maniyamau village of Etawah’s Ikdil police station area demanding removal of domestic, foreign liquor and beer shops. The women demanded the removal of the contract. Performing women say that their house is being ruined due to alcohol. That is why he is engaged in demanding the removal of this liquor contract.

In view of the performance of women, the officials of the Excise Department besides the Ekdil police station reached the spot. Police and Excise Department officials were busy in understanding women. But women were not ready to accept. With this confidence of Inspector Ranjit Singh of Excise Department with great difficulty, he will talk to the officials and adopt the process of removing the related contracts, then women agreed to end the performance with great difficulty. It is that three contracts in the village in Manianmau are of indigenous, foreign and beer. Due to which there is a lot of trouble in the village. Three deaths have also occurred in the village due to the consumption of alcohol. Unnecessary crowds gather near the contract in the evening, which causes the road to jam. There are temples, hospital playing grounds, schools, which causes women and children problems. People do indecency by drinking alcohol here. Due to which the villagers have to face a lot of trouble.

protesting woman Kiran Devi says that the atmosphere of their village is deteriorating due to foreign liquor and beer contracts located in their village A large number of women have staged a protest of unitedly so that all contracts are removed from the village. The protesting woman Seema says that these contracts are deteriorating their village’s children and youths are being destroyed, so they have to protest to remove these contracts.

Inspector Ranjit Singh of Excise Department Ranjit Singh It is said that the villagers have demanded the removal of indigenous liquor and beer contracts, which has been assured to take action by talking to the authorities. At present, the villagers have postponed their performance, Action will be implemented on the decision taken by the officials.

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