District Hospital: IVF-Dialysis Center is not used, stopped space in building for 4 years, collector sent report to health secretary

IVF and dialysis center installed in the Government District Hospital satellite is not being used. Now preparations are being made to remove it. The District Collector has sent a report to the Health Secretary in this regard.

Pratap IVF and Fertility Center at the district hospital started in January 2018. It worked only till March 18. After that the center remained closed for two months due to lack of doctor. From June 18, this center was completely closed. The hospital in -charge also wrote letters to the operator to start the center, but had no effect. The situation is that for six years, childless couples are not getting the benefit of IVF facility. At this center, the cost of childbirth from the baby test tube was only 60 thousand rupees.

The hospital in -charge has sent a full report to the Director of Medical and Health Department and the Collector. He said that on the first floor of the hospital, the center has temporarily built rooms. There is also machinery. To run it, an MoU has been held up to 2027 between the government and Pratap IVF and the Fertility Center. In the event of not running the center, an exercise is being done to cancel the MoU. In fact, at private IVF centers, one and a half lakh to five lakhs of child are charged from baby test tube. Doctors say that by doing government rates, questions were raised on the rates of private centers.

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