Farmers worried about the amount of Kapil Dhara-Kup for 7 years: Secretary accused of putting installment in second account after first

Farmers worried about the amount of Kapil Dhara-Kup for 7 years: Secretary accused of putting installment in second account after first

Allegations of constant disturbances are being made in the gram panchayats of Rajgarh district. Where the second installment did not come after the first installment of the Kapil Dhara well approved on the farm of a farmer. The farmer is constantly wandering in the panchayat district panchayat. Investigation revealed that the secretary has revealed the case of 3 Sa

Gadiamer Panchayat of Khilchipur. Where the entire amount of the approved Kapil Dhara well could not be found 7 years ago. While the farmer has made a well loan. The farmer has been traveling around the office of the officers for the last several years to take the sanctioned amount of well construction, the same officials say that the amount has been inserted in the farmer’s account in 2021. In such a situation, now the victim farmer is investigating this matter and demanding action on those who commit the disturbances. The well was approved in the name of my son Mahendra Pratap Singh (32). Which I have not received the whole amount yet. The farmer said that the first installment of the construction material of the well was in my son’s account on 23 June 2017. Immediately after this, my son started construction after digging the well on the farm.

My son reached Khilchipur district office when it came to the second installment during construction. The officials present there said that the allocation of the amount has not come yet. On arrival, the amount will be put in your account, we stopped the work of the well for a few days. When the next installment did not come in the account. So my son reached Khilchipur district office. Where the officials told him that the amount is still allocated. My son Mahendra completed the construction of the well by taking money from the borrowing due to the rain being near. And since then the district has been circling the district.

however, after 7 years, when the next installment of the sanctioned amount of well was not received by my son, he did not eat the account of my son, then he along with CM Helpline, Khilchipur District CEO, SDM , Include a complaint in the public hearing of the collector. After which my son Mahendra was now told from the district office that you have been paid in 2021. I and my son is surprised to hear this response to district officials. Because the money did not come to our account.

Bhavani Singh said that the first installment of well construction of well was in the account of my son Mahendra. While three installments of 95 thousand are pending. But now the officials are telling. Your outstanding amount of 95 thousand has been put in your account in 2021. Whereas money did not come to our account. We allege that someone has withdrawn the money by putting our sanctioned amount 95 thousand in another account in a fake way. If it is well investigated, then it will be known here who has withdrawn the money here.

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