Foundation of Rotary Blood Bank in Indore: Oxygen consentor distributed to office bearers from institutions of many cities

Foundation of Rotary Blood Bank in Indore: Oxygen consentor distributed to office bearers from institutions of many cities

Current Racing and Oxygen Consentor distribution program of Rotary Blood Bank was organized by Rotary Club of Indore Uptown on Sunday. During this, the foundation stone of Rotary Blood Bank was laid.

The program was launched by the Chief Guest Ritu Grover, Chairman Dr. Upinder Dhar, Secretary Deepak Shaliya, Rakesh Mittal, Dr. Rakesh Gaur, Anubha Anand lighting the lamp. Taxed. In the welcome address, Chairman Dr. Dhar said that this rotary blood bank is a gift for the city. Our club is leading in service works in the division and is doing many things in the fields of medical, education and environment. This project was impossible without the support and guidance of Rakesh Mittal. Rakesh Mittal said that there are many such institutions which are ready for service work, only they should believe that their money has gone in the right hands. He himself is a financial advisor and gives financial legal information in the country and abroad. Courtesy of Mittal, Oxygen Consentor was provided to officials from various institutions from various institutions of Manasa, Meghnagar, Petlavad, Burhanpur, Khargone, Barwani, Dahod, Neemuch, Indore. He said that since Kovid, the need for this machine has increased and they are required more in villages and towns than cities. Dr. Rakesh Gaur has taken full responsibility of setting up and running this blood bank. He assured that this rotary blood bank will be fully ready by August 15. It will also be a gift for patients with thalassemia. Guest of Honor Anubha Anand of the program said that we are very happy that we were elected for this noble work and this blood bank will continue to get our full support.

The program was conducted by Tarun Mishra. . Club secretary Deepak Shaliya expressed gratitude.

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