Health affected with changing weather in Mau: More than one thousand patients are being treated daily in the OPD of the district hospital

Health affected with changing weather in Mau: More than one thousand patients are being treated daily in the OPD of the district hospital

Along with the changing weather in

Mau, people’s health is also being affected. The effect of fluctuations in the continuous weather is also seen on the health of the people. These days, there is a large crowd of patients in the OPD of the district hospital. From the emergency of the hospital to the OPD

This includes most of the problems related to diarrhea, fever, high BP, nervousness and various types of diseases. Even though there has been a drop in temperature on Monday and Tuesday, more than one thousand people were OPD. At the same time, more than 30 patients associated with various problems were treated in emergency. Among the patients coming to OPD, the number of more than 50 percent of the patients is due to the problem of heat. He further said that all the preparations have already been done in view of the changing weather. All the patients coming by doctors are being treated better. These days, patients are required to take care of themselves, because due to strong sunlight and hot winds, the balance of body temperature is not being formed. Due to which the problem of BP etc. is increasing.

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