In Chhatarpur, the young man was stripped and beaten: Belt to tear clothes and tore clothes; Also made viral by making videos

Four young men drunk in Chhatarpur stripped a young man with a belt. Kick-punched. Katta adamant and tore clothes. Then the body was fired in many places with cigarettes. The incident is from City Kotwali police station area. Based on the viral video, the police have arrested the accused Deva Thakur, Annu Ghoshi and Lucky Ghoshi. The police took out a procession of the three accused. During this time the police raised slogans from the accused. In which it was called. Crime is a sin, the law is our father, took it to the police station speaking.

4 days old incident, video now surfaced

According to police, the incident is 4 days old. The young man was beaten up near the culvert on the Phula Devi Marg near Sarani Darwaza. Its video surfaced on Wednesday.

It is seen in the video that four youths are holding and beating a young man. Then he takes off his clothes by showing the katta. The accused are also seen burning him with cigarettes. All the youths kick him fiercely and beat him with a belt. A young man makes a video of this entire incident. CSP Aman Mishra said that no one has lodged a complaint in this case in the police station.

SP said- 2 accused arrested

SP Agam Jain said that the incident 4 days Is old. After this video came out on Wednesday, a case has been registered against 3 accused. Firstly the case has come to light Dadgiri by drinking alcohol. The minor

was beaten up by some goons with a 14 -year -old student in Gwalior. He stabbed a student of 9th, hit the slap and punches on the back. The crying students continued to leave to leave. The student had no enmity with the accused. He beat him only to show extortion. Demand 2 thousand rupees from him. The incident took place in Murar area on Monday night. On Tuesday, the accused made the video of the assault viral. Read full news …

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