In fake transactions, the accused was made by the bank on behalf of the bank, not the name of the bank workers in it

In fake transactions, the accused was made by the bank on behalf of the bank, not the name of the bank workers in it

Bhaskar News | High -profile investigation is going on on Tuesday on the fourth day in the case of illegal withdrawal by deliers Gaurav Kumar from several customers’ account at Union Bank of India Branch Singhiya Ghat located at Singhiya Ghat under Vibhutipur

block area. It is said that three members formed by the Regional Manager investigated on Thursday after the illegal withdrawal of illegal withdrawal from the account of customers of Union Bank of India Branch Singhia Ghat. On Friday, apart from a two -member investigating officer, investigation was done by other senior officials. After this, an application was given by the Branch Manager Chandrashekhar Gupta before the Vibhutipur police station against the accused Gaurav Kumar. The name of any bank worker or officer is not included in the application. While the illegal transaction is done by the ID of the banker. Questions are being raised about this. Investigation is going on by the senior officer of Ranchi from Monday. When asked in this regard, the branch manager in charge Chandrashekhar Gupta said that the money to be illegally withdrawn from the account of the customers will be required. Accused youth Gaurav Kumar

With the connivance of a bank personnel from Union Bank, ATM personnel applied against the Daily Wage worker Gaurav Kumar by Chandrashekhar Gupta in the case of illegal withdrawal from the customer account by ATM personnel. After leaving, an FIR has not been lodged at Vibhutipur police station till 5:00 pm on Tuesday. At the same time, Police Station Anand Kumar Kashyap said that the application has been received. Went on Monday for investigation. Cyber ​​is a case. It is being talked about whether an FIR will be lodged in cyber or in the police station. Further action will be taken after the instructions.

In -charge branch manager Chandrashekhar Gupta said that four personnel including the manager have been transferred from this bank. The transfer of a worker has been done two months before the departmental level. After the matter came to light, two personnel including branch manager Chandan Kumar have been transferred. So that the investigation is fair. After the shortage of stop workers, the branch manager in charge was looking for the transaction related work.

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