In Jaipur, husband murdered wife’s wife with a hammer: said to the neighbor; Dead body found in room in a bloody condition

In Jaipur, husband murdered wife's wife with a hammer: said to the neighbor; Dead body found in room in a bloody condition

Husband killed his wife in Jaipur. The accused husband strangled the first wife. Then he stabbed to death. Then he told the neighbor that he gave a hand and gave a salta. Ramnagaria police station reached the information of the incident, the woman lying in the corpse room in the bloody condition of the woman

SHO (Ramnagaria) Arun Kumar said- Pooja (40), a resident of Srikrishnapura Ramnagaria, has been killed. She lived here with husband Krishna Gopal and two sons for the last 5 years. Husband Krishna was Gopal Mistry and Pooja used to work as Beldari. Both husband and wife used to quarrel often by drinking alcohol. Both sons of January 13 went to their sister to stay garden. Late in the night, Krishna Gopal and Pooja got into a fight. Angry Krishna Gopal fiercely assaulted his wife Pooja. He stabbed his head with a hammer and bled. Pooja was strangled to death by strangling with a hammer. On June 14, he reached the warehouse at around 7:30 am. After reaching the warehouse, both Krishna Gopal and Pooja did not appear. At around 6 pm, Krishna Gopal came out of his room. While going from the warehouse, Krishna asked Gopal- how did the worship not be seen today. Krishna Gopal started saying that I hit him by hitting him with a hammer on my head. Did not pay attention first. Even after a long time, there was suspicion that worship did not appear. Calling Krishna called Gopal’s relative and went to see them in the room. Pooja’s body was lying in a bled condition in the room. Pooja had bruises from place to place on her body. Ramnagaria police station was immediately informed about the murder. The killer husband Krishna Gopal caught on trying to escape when he came to know.

After the quarrel, Mar Dalaramnagaria police station gathered evidence with the help of the FSL team. In the prima facie police investigation, murder came to light when there was a drunken quarrel of alcohol. Injuries have been found on the throat on the body of the deceased. Pooja was assaulted when there was a quarrel. He was strangled and stabbed to his head with a hammer. Due to which blood came out of his mouth. The police took the body and sent the mortem of JNU Hospital for post -mortem. The police have started interrogation by rounding up the killer husband.

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