In the Taj Mahal, the doctor saved the life of the girl by giving CPR: The girl fainted crying when she was separated from her parents

A two-year-old girl who came with parents at the Taj Mahal suddenly deteriorated. The movement in his body stopped. CISF personnel posted under the protection of Taj sent the girl to the dispensary of the crown. There the doctor gave CPR to the girl. This improves his health After this, Shanti was sent to Shanti Manglik Hospital immediately, where the condition of the girl has improved. Doctors believe that the girl was probably due to hypoxia. Often, oxygen does not reach the brain when weeping more, then such a condition occurs. The girl’s life was saved due to the readiness and sensibility of the doctor.

Two tourists from the summer caused a circle and the heat of the tourist Sameer Sheikh from Mumbai and Ghisa Lal of Rajasthan deteriorated due to the Girjbarada humidity and heat. Sameer Sheikh had respiratory disease, causing him to become sweaty due to humidity. Due to excessive walk, he started panting and fell. He was given first aid in Taj’s dispensary

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