“Inspire children to follow the path of goodness”

Bhaskar News | Israna

In the memory of Guru Arjun Dev Singh ji’s martyrdom and Sant Baba Santosh, under the auspices of Raheras Sahib Seva Simran Society, walking from Panipat on Sunday, walking from Panipat, the Khalsa Publicity Gurudwara Sant Bhawan reached Israna Sahib. Sardar Dalwinder Singh Khalasa welcomed the Gurdwara Israna Saheb with flowers on the journey. On this occasion, thousands of Sangat from Delhi, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, including Haryana, reached the ongoing conference in Khalsa Publicity Gurdwara Sant Bhawan Israna. A fair was organized in front of the gurudwara. During this time, children and women shopped at the fair.

Sant Baba Rajendra Singh called upon Sagant to do good for the society by following the path mentioned by the Gurus.

he said that he said that he said that Inspire children to follow the path of truth by giving good values. The Samagam was inaugurated by the students of Baba Fatteh Singh Academy with words Kirtan and Guru Vani. During this, narrator Bhai Mandeep Singh Murid called upon Sangat to know the history of Siki and follow the path of great men. Ragi Jathe Bhai Kuldeep Singh Darbar Sahib and Bhai Jasvir Singh Mann recited Gurbani by Sikh History and Beard Jaws.

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