Kick Boxing started watching online game 2 years ago: 2 players from Rajasthan now qualified for World Championship

Kick Boxing started watching online game 2 years ago: 2 players from Rajasthan now qualified for World Championship

Two youths of Rajasthan … Asaram Nagar and Rahul Meena.

Both these youths from Hisampur in Tonk district did not know anything about kick boxing. Playing the game on mobile started its practice. When kick boxing coaches were not found, they started practicing by watching the video. Success was also found after hard work. Now both these youths will play in August in Kick Boxing World Championship to be held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. no one knew. Today their discussion is everywhere. Both of them have won the silver and bronze medal in the Junior National Kick Boxing Competition held in Siliguri (West Bengal) a few days ago.

The special thing is that these two players of Tonk will play in the International World Championship for the first time. . Asaram Nagar Kick sweats in the fields along with the family as soon as it is practiced and studies for boxing. He shares the hand of his family members in farming.

In just two years, both the players of the district will beat to get the world title. For success, these players are practicing 5 to 6 hours daily.

Watching the online game, interested in their level, Asaram Nagar did not inherit the game. Two years ago, I saw Kick Boxing Online and the trend towards this game increased. After this, he started preparing at his level. This year it is preparing at The Martial Arts and Fitness Academy while staying in the hostel in Tonk. Rahul is also preparing here. Asaram said- Rameshwar Kumawat, Principal of Secondary Adarsh ​​Vidya Mandir Nasirda, also inspired for the game. I was most interested in kick boxing. Now I want to make a career in it.

Dreaming of winning the medal in the World Championship for the country, Asaram Nagar and Rahul Meena said- Our dream is to bring medals for the country in the International World Kick Boxing Championship. For this, now we are working hard day and night. Parents are bearing the expenses of training and tournament. Both have passed the twelfth this year. Asaram Nagar’s father Rakesh Nagar is a farmer. Mata Ramta Devi is a homemaker. Asaram has three brothers. The greatest is Asaram.

Khemraj Meena, father of Rahul Meena, a resident of Hanuman Nagar, Rahul, is a government physical teacher (PTI). Mother is a housewife. Rahul Meena has two brothers. Rahul also wants to become PTI. Academy trainer Ramesh Prajapat has inspired him to move forward. Just on his advice, the academy has been joined.

Father supported Kiahul Meena that through social media, information was collected about martial arts a few years ago. If the coach related to martial arts was not found in Tonk district, then practiced through YouTube. Later started training at Tiger Martial Arts Academy for 2 years. The father supported a lot for the game.

complete preparations will be made to win the medal for the country. Local boxing trainer Amit Baratwal said, “Every effort is being made to get the children a medal for the country.” For this, they are being practiced for about five hours daily. Now more special preparations will be made to these two players.

Rajasthan Kick Boxing Organization Jaipur General Secretary Pushpendra Gurjar said that there are seven events in kick boxing. Take the gold medalist at the international level, but the coaching committee for final selection is Wako India Kick Boxing Federation. The Federation checks the full record of players. Medical tests etc. are done. After that the final selection is done. In this, the committee also takes silver and bronze medalists. Two players of Tonk have also been selected by the Coaching Committee Wako India Kick Boxing Federation for the World Championship. Asaram has won silver in two events.

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