Leaders of Pasmanda Samaj raging on Owaisi in Lucknow: Said-not the contractors of Muslims, are shining politics, are angry with the slogan ‘Palestine Zindabad’

Leaders of Pasmanda Samaj raging on Owaisi in Lucknow: Said-not the contractors of Muslims, are shining politics, are angry with the slogan 'Palestine Zindabad'

Khurshid Alam Salmani, state president of Pasmanda Samaj in Lucknow, has condemned the slogan ‘Palestine Zindabad’ of Asaduddin Owaisi. He said that Owaisi is not the contractor of Muslims. He makes such a statement just to shine his politics.

Salmani said that who gave them the right to sit in Telangana and become the contractors of Muslims, the most Muslims in the country are from Uttar Pradesh but Owaisi Till date nothing has been done for the progress of the Muslims of Uttar Pradesh

Khurshid Alam Salmani clarified that Pasmanda Samaj does not agree with the statements of Owaisi and accused Owaisi of deviating community issues. In this context, Pasmanda Samaj has decided to organize a big conference on August 3, in which the voice of the society will be raised firmly.

Salmani thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who, who gave the Pasmanda Samaj to Pasmanda Samaj Helped up. He said that with the efforts of the Prime Minister, the voice of Pasmanda Samaj is being heard and they are getting new opportunities.

This conference will include various leaders and workers of Pasmanda Samaj and discusses the issues of development of the society do. Salmani said that the purpose of this event is to organize the Pasmanda society and pursue their rights fighting firmly.

Pasmanda Samaj Party’s move has made it clear that they make their unique identity Want to keep and will not accept any kind of politics inspired rhetoric. Salmani has appealed to all sections of the society to participate in this conference so that the voice of Pasmanda society can be stronger.

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