Liquor merchant committed suicide under loan pressure: Dead body found hanging on the noose in the warehouse, the creditor was borrowing money

Liquor merchant committed suicide under loan pressure: Dead body found hanging on the noose in the warehouse, the creditor was borrowing money

A liquor trader committed suicide by hanging himself on Monday due to the debt. When people saw the businessman hanging, they took down from the noose and took him to Bundi Hospital. Where the doctor declared him dead. The incident is of Namana Than area of ​​Bundi.

Liquor trader committed suicide by hanging himself at a warehouse on Barudhan Road in Namana town. According to the police, Mahendra Singh Solanki (45), a resident of Namana, had left the house at 11 am. Later, he was reported to be hanging on the noose. Postmortem the dead body of the deceased has been handed over to the family members.

could not tolerate the loan pressure

Namana SHO Dharmaram Chaudhary said that due to prima facie debt pressure The balm of suicide has come to the fore. Borrowed interests including borrowing interest were being given. The deceased was associated with the liquor business. Currently, the call details of the deceased’s mobile are being investigated so that information about which people of the deceased can be found. Police is investigating the incident with every angle.

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