Litter piles in Dal Mandi for several months but no hearing despite complaints

Litter piles in Dal Mandi for several months but no hearing despite complaints

Bhaskar News | Amritsar

In the city’s Dal Mandi, there have been continuous piles of garbage for the last several months, about which the corporation has made many complaints but no one is ready to listen. Shopkeepers of Dal Mandi Rajiv, Bablu, Minta, Narendra, Sukhpreet say that the government is upset. Despite repeated saying, Dal Mandi is in bad shape. There are piles of garbage everywhere.

Now it has become difficult to sit in shops. Shopkeepers say that what else can the government get the garbage of the city by speaking to the corporation for 2 years. He says that the streets and markets have been bad due to garbage in the internal areas of the city.

Corporation employees are not ready to listen to anyone. Whereas the corporation and the government do not want to take any action against the garbage company. Therefore, employees working in garbage vehicles do their work in a free work and whenever there is any excuse, they take leave.

He said that if the government works properly then the corporation officials themselves Will improve and people will not face problems. At the same time, the light MLA should also instruct the corporation officials to get garbage, open sewer jams and supply clean water in houses.

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