Low gon got relief from the heat due to rain: temperature dropped from one and a half hours of rain, happiness on the face of farmers

Low gon got relief from the heat due to rain: temperature dropped from one and a half hours of rain, happiness on the face of farmers

The weather patterns changed late Monday evening in Bundi and it rained intermittently in the entire district. People got relief from the heat due to the fall in temperature. At the same time, farmers also breathed a sigh of relief. The weather patterns had started changing from seven o’clock in the evening. After eight o’clock in the night, the rainy season started in the district, which continued till late night. People got relief from the heat due to the fall in temperature. However, the first good rain of pre monsoon also exposed the cleaning system of cities and towns. In many places, water started flowing on the common road due to drainage. Farmers were waiting for rain for sowing of kharif crops, especially the farmers had demanded canal water to sow paddy crop. Late night good rains have brought relief to farmers from supply of water for sowing.

The first rains of power supply affected monsoon across the district have also affected the power system. As soon as the rains started, the power of Bundi, Lakeri, Indergarh region went down. If the power supply was not restored till a long wait, people started getting upset. Power supply of many villages was disrupted due to rain.

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