News of the need- Ibiba entered the body, death is sure: What is Negarria Foulry, how it attacks, what to do for rescue

The feeling of bathing in the river or pond is very wonderful during summer days. Provided the water is clean and cold. Apart from this, there is no dangerous animal in water. But bathing in the river, pond, waterfall or lake can also be dangerous because there is a danger of a dangerous organism in this water. This organism is neither bacteria nor virus. This is a free living amoeba.

It is possible that you have never heard its name because it is a relatively new and a challenge for the medicine world.

its name is Neegleri Fowleri. In common colloquial language it is also called ‘Brain Eating Amiba’.

A 5 ​​-year -old girl died due to this amoeba recently in Malappuram, Kerala. The girl could not be saved even after putting on ventilation for more than a week. After this incident, this brain eating amoeba has been in the headlines.

Earlier, many people have died due to this amoeba in many countries including India. Its death rate is more than 97%, that is, if this amoeba penetrates into the body, then 97% fears that the person will not survive. Therefore, it is also considered an incurable disease. This disease destroys the cells of the patient’s brain.

so today we will talk about brain eating amoeba. >

Expert: Dr. Utkarsh Bhagat, Director & HOD, Neuro Surgery, Narayan Hospital, Gurugram

Question- Brain Eating Amiba Negaria Foulri What is?

Answer- Negaria Foulry is an amoeba. It is a cellular organism and free living organism. It means a organism that does not require support or ecosystem to survive. It lives independently. It can happen anywhere in the whole world. It usually lives in lakes, rivers, ponds, shallow springs of water and hot water springs. Many times it can also occur in soil.

Question- How does this infection of this amoeba?

Answer- This amoeba creates a risk of infection when infected with this amoeba. The water should go into your nose. From there, this amoeba enters the brain and completely dead brain cells. This usually happens when we are swimming, diving or doing water skiing, where this amoeba is already present. Is that amoeba is present in tap water or swimming pool water. This is possible only when enough chlorine is not added to that water or it is not cleaned in a manner.

Question- What happens when infected with Negarria Foulry?

> Answer- This amoeba penetrates through the nose and attacks the brain directly. Although it remains alive by eating bacteria, but once it enters the human body, it starts eating the brain and eating it. It is, in the language of medicine, primary amybic meningo ,cephilitis (Primary amoebic meningoEncephalitis i.e. PAM paralyzes the central nervous system of the body. This infection proves to be fatal in every case. Question- What are the initial symptoms of Pam?

Answer- The initial symptoms of Pam are not very straightforward and clear. /P>

See in the graphic below the details-

Question- How much time does it take to emerge the symptoms after being infected? It can take a time of 2 days to 15 days. It happens when the infected person is able to survive.

Question- How common this disease is? How many people in the world are affected by this?

Answer- This amoeba is once again in discussion after the death of a girl in Kerala, but the infection caused by it is not common at all.

< P> This is still a matter of study for the science world. In America, some people have also found antibodies of this amoeba, due to which it has been understood by scientists that probably their ancestors may have been infected with it and its resistance has arisen in their body.

A 2009 study of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that the antibodies of this amoeba have been found in the body of people in America, it seems that Negarria Foulri is present on a large scale, but on the same large scale Its resistance has also arisen in the body of people.

There is also a question for scientists why not all people going in the same water are infected with this amoeba. Why does it affect only a few people. At the moment, science is still looking for the answer to many such questions.

See some facts related to it in the graphic below-

Question- What to do to protect against Negarria Foulry? P>

Answer- First of all, you should not be panic at all. But yes, as science always says that information is rescue, then keep this information and take important precautions as well. See in the graphic below-

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