Out of the seven continents of the world, 5 of our CA are doing the work, practitioners and businessmen, they are identified.

Out of the seven continents of the world, 5 of our CA are doing the work, practitioners and businessmen, they are identified.

Bhaskar News | Bhilwara

CA City Bhilwara has 1600 CA and 3 thousand CA students registered. Five of the seven continents of the world are working here in Chartered Accountants. 286 CAs are functioning in 25 countries of Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, Australia. ICAI Bhilwara Branch Secretary CA Alok Somani and former chairman CA Dinesh Aghal said that ICAI has made a joint contract with 29 international accounting bodies. Deepak reached Birmingham 19 years ago. Work started as a CA practice here.

In the initial years there was trouble in networking, connecting clients. But later the hold continued. Along with CA practice, now real estate developers and health care businesses also started. Prateek Kabra, who has been abroad for 10 years, says that he has been serious about the career. For this, the country’s borders were also not limited. Because of this, he went to Dubai. There they are working as Chief Financial Officer in the MNC company.

CA OP Dad gave guidance to daughter Anuradha and managed to do CA and CS. After this, IIM worked at ICICI in Mumbai after doing MBA from Ahmedabad. Then after marriage, she moved to Australia with the family. Has been living in Sydney for 10 years. Australia took over as a containnt head at L. Capital. Then left the job. After this, its own private equity funding is practicing consultancy. When he became a CA, Amitabh Solanki of Bhilwara had two options. Either go to Mumbai and do practice or job or go abroad and try your talent. He chose the second option and reached South Africa.

successfully spent 15 years here and managed to get the position of Chief Financial Officer in the Multinational Group. There is a CA firm of Bhavna in North America for 19 years. She practices there. Bhavna says that after doing CA, he did not want to stay only to India. Good job options were found in America. Initially there was some struggle but later everything became normal. Then started CA practice by creating his own firm.

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