PAK minister said- Murder of minorities in the name of religion: Khwaja Asif said in Parliament, we are not able to protect them

PAK minister said- Murder of minorities in the name of religion: Khwaja Asif said in Parliament, we are not able to protect them

Pakistan Defense Minister Khwaja Asif has also admitted that minorities are not safe in his country. Khwaja Asif said that violence is being done by targeting people in the name of religion in Pakistan and the country has failed to protect them. This is a matter of concern. According to the report of

news agency ANI, speaking at the National Assembly on Monday, Khwaja Asif said, “Almost every day minorities are being killed in Pakistan. They are not safe in the shadow of Islam. I want to address the issue of safety of minorities, but the opposition is that it is hurling. Pakistan is getting infamous due to this worldwide. ”

The creeds associated with Islam also not safely protected, the Minister said that despite the protection by the Constitution, even the small creeds associated with Islam are not safe. This is a shameful situation. He talked about passing a resolution for the safety of minorities in the National Assembly.

Asif said that this problem is coming in different parts of the country, not in any one state. Many people were killed who had no relation with the blasphemy. But he was killed due to private khunnas.

Defense Minister said that Ahmadiyya community is facing the most problem. They have to face Hate speech to violent attacks. They are made hunting only for their faith across the country. Similarly, people of Christian community also have to face harassment in the name of employment, education and blasphemy. Security should be ensured. They have as much right to live in this country as the majority. Pakistan belongs to all Pakistanis, whether they belong to Muslim, Christian, Sikh or any other religion. Our Constitution guarantees complete security to the minorities.

According to the report of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Sikhs, Hindus and other minorities are facing forcibly conversion, kidnapping, murders and attacks on religious places. Is. Here, insulting the Quran or Prophet, there can be life imprisonment to death sentence. However, despite being sentenced to death, no one in the country has been hanged.

According to Pakistan’s local media, since 1990, more than 80 people were killed by a mob on charges of blasphemy so far since 1990. Is. Many times this happens when a rumor of insulting the Quran or Prophet gathers a crowd of thousands of people at any place and attacks the accused. The famous case

June 2024: On Thursday, an angry mob burned a person alive for insulting the Quran. This incident is from Madyan area of ​​Swat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The slain person was named Mohammad Ismail, who came to visit there.

May 2024: A mob in Sargodha area of ​​Punjab province accused Christian man of insulting the Quran and his home and factory I set fire. People beat the person badly in the presence of police. A few days later he died in the hospital.

May 2023: A person was beaten to death by a violent mob by a violent mob on charges of blasphemy during a rally by former PM Imran Khan’s party PTI in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gave. The crime of that person was that he compared Imran to Prophet Mohammed.

April 2023: A Chinese engineer in Khyber Pakhtun area was attacked by a mob of thousands on charges of blasphemy law. The police saved his life with great difficulty and arrested him so that he could survive alive. The engineer later said that he used to treat the workers strictly. Therefore, an attempt was made to kill him intentionally.

March 2022: Three women strangled to death by three women outside the madrasa in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. In fact, one of these women dreamed that the victim had launched the teacher, due to which she killed the teacher.

July 2022: A Pakistan court killed a Christian person on the charge of blasphemy. sentenced to. He was accused of calling Jesus ‘Supreme’ instead of the Prophet.

December 2021: Sri Lankan citizen Priyanth Diavadana was beaten to death by the mob on the charge of Ishaninda in Sialkot, Pakistan. Priyantha was a manager in a company. The police report said that some employees were unhappy with the manager because of his rules and work. After which he was accused of blasphemy and he was killed by mob. Seema Tanveer claimed to be her own prophet.

July 2020: An American-Pakistani man named Tahir Ahmed Bhasin was shot dead inside the court in Peshawar. Was a trial of blasphemy.

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