People did not get benefits till date after the inauguration of the block waiting room

Bhaskar News | Manihari

Construction of the waiting room for the Block Headquarters three -tier Panchayat Representative recommended from the Legislative Council Fund under the Chief Minister’s Area Development Scheme of the Government of Bihar at the Block Headquarters inaugurated the Building at the Block Headquarters at a cost of 11,50,000 inaugurated the Building at the Block Headquarters, inaugurated the Building of the Building at a cost of 11,50,000 in the Block Headquarters, Legislative Councilor Ashok Aggarwal carried out by. But after the inauguration, there was always a lock in it and the purpose it was made was not fulfilled. For the last few months, the fire department has occupied it. But the purpose with which the government had made a waiting room for the common people coming from the work of the public representatives and the block headquarters. He remained incomplete. For the last 6 years, this building is not being maintained. For the past few months, some personnel of the fire center have been immediately camping here. Because firefighters also do not have their own building while there are two dozen firefighters.

In such a situation, the question arises that after the inauguration of the said building at a cost of Rs 11 lakh 50 thousand built by MLC fund Why the block waiting room for the common people has not been opened till now. The plaster of the said building has also been uprooted due to the closure and lack of maintenance. In this regard, public representatives say that when it was built here for the public representatives and general public of the block, there was a lot of happiness among the people. People thought that the government thinks about the common people, and therefore such a waiting room was created for people coming to the block headquarters. Local people say that if we go in the rain in the sun, there is no place to sit somewhere and in such a situation, if the said waiting room has been made, if it is implemented, then the common people will get a lot of benefit from it. P>

In this regard, Manihari video Randhir Kumar said that this block waiting room has been created for the common people. Immediately in the said waiting room, firefighters have been given to stay temporarily. Land has been allotted for fire office and personnel. As soon as their building is constructed or there will be an alternative arrangement, they will be shifted and opened to the block waiting room.

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