Police arrested a kg of opium supplier: absconding was cutting for 3 months, caught from home

Police arrested a kg of opium supplier: absconding was cutting for 3 months, caught from home

The troupe police of Balotra district arrested an accused who supplied drugs. The supplier was absconding for about three months. Malaram, caught with opium, supplied one kilo of opium to Malaram. Police is currently interrogating the accused.

In fact, Kalyanpur police of Balotra district seized one kilo of illegal opium from the possession of Rajaram Colony, resident of Malaram son Durgaram, on 11 March 2024. The investigation of which was given by Balotra SP to the congregation police officer. The investigation was started by the police team.

The accused told the accused Hanumanram son Rajuram resident of Rajuram resident Kapari Mandali. On this, the police started searching for the accused. According to the police officer Mahesh Goyal, the police raided his possible hideouts to catch the supplier Hanuman Ram. But the accused escaped from there. The police had received information with informant and technical help that accused Hanuman Ram son Rajuram had come to his village.

The police team caught the supplier on it. During interrogation, the accused admitted the crime. The team arrested on this. Police is currently interrogating the accused. A case has been registered against the accused in Pali district. The action included Head Constable Rakesh Kumar, Constable Bharatlal, Hariram, Gangaram.

Input: Mahavir San, Samdari

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