Power cuts up to 8 hours in Lucknow: frequent shutdowns from 10 am to 6 am; All claims of Lesa fail

Power cuts up to 8 hours in Lucknow: frequent shutdowns from 10 am to 6 am; All claims of Lesa fail

There was a power cut for 8 hours last night in Sitapur Road Cation Nagar, Lucknow. There was no reason for this. Whether the Kashmiri Mohalla of the city or Virajkhand, the situation is the same everywhere. How many times the light gull is from 10 am to 6 am, it is difficult to count. Lesa

not getting the right information from the employees of Electricity Corporation, increasing the trouble of the people. Electricity continued to come in the area around Saatatganj police station in the city from 10 am to 6 am. During this time there was darkness on the roads.

Local people said that between 10 am and 6 am, electricity goes 10 to 12 times. People’s coolers, fans, ACs are closed. The supply of water also comes to a standstill. The people of the capital are facing the problem of water as well as water. Thousands of MW have increased. In such a situation, the fault has increased in electric transformers and cable lines. ABC line caught fire in Kashmiri locality last night. You reached the nearby mosque, which people controlled. Due to this, the electricity of the area was melted.

Power cuts in Kashan Nagar of Sitapur Road

Sitapur Road Kashan Nagar came around 11 am. During this period, more than 5000 population was upset for 8 hours. Local resident Mukesh Singh said that if a complaint was lodged on 1912, information could not be found from there either. There is no information from the customer care.

people were upset till 1 pm in the Viraj section

there was a cut between 12 to 1 pm in the Viraj section. AK Mishra said that Viraj section 2 that local employees said, the 11 kV line had come in the fault. Due to this the deduction was done. After 11 pm, all the feeders here are overloaded. In such a situation, he has to be closed for 15 to 20 minutes.

Kalli residents of Kalli West, troubled by low voltage

Kalli residents of Kalli West were troubled by low voltage all night. At first, the supply from Ambedkar University sub -station was interrupted. After that, people were upset due to low voltage from 12 o’clock in the morning. It became difficult to run AC and cooler in the house.

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