Private schools running against rules in Sambharlake subdivision area, committee handed over investigation but officials have not taken action yet

Bhaskar News | Sambharlake

Private schools are being operated indiscriminately keeping the rules in the subdivision area with the rules of the Education Department. In such a situation, questions are being raised on the working style of the officials of the Education Department. In the subdivision area, some schools are being operated against the rules without recognized. Along with school operators, officials are not serious about the messing with the future of children studying in these schools. Talking about it, he told that on the complaint, I had formed a committee and the committee submitted the report to me, he will send the action to the district officer. But they are putting a ball in each other’s court, so the future of children studying in these schools is being played with the future. Other schools are being operated from recognized school at other places. Despite this, no action is being taken by the officials of the Education Department on such private schools, but despite complaints, private school operators are being given protection, due to which private schools are being operated in the area.

Questions raised due to non -action not being taken: Private school operators have been complaining continuously for the officials of the Education Department for the last 10 months, despite not taking action on the schools without recognized schools. Are you Block Elementary Education Officer Sambharlake was given several complaints in writing, despite no action on schools without recognized schools, private school operators have informed the higher officials of the Education Department about this problem.

No action on schools without recognized schools: Conservator

^We have conveyed to the CBEO several times together. One year has passed, but the officials are not taking action on schools without recognized schools.

-Harjeet Singh, Patron, Phulera-Sambhar Block School Education Family.

Reported to officials That the recognition was not found and it was told to file a file for recognition where I had submitted my report to the authorities. Orders were given

^I had a complaint. I had ordered the CBEO to register an FIR against the running schools without recognized. But no action has been taken yet.

-Jagdish Narayan Meena, District Education Officer Jaipur Rural.

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