Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta’s column: Food causes happiness, not trouble

Pt. Vijayshankar Mehta's column: Food causes happiness, not trouble

Our liver and intestines are the main part of the body. Intestinal work is not just to digest food. Rishi-Muni used to say that the mind is formed by food. Now descend a little deep in this process. Science also agrees that there are two hormones for happiness- serotonin and dopamine. And a large part of both these hormones is formed in the intestines in the body.

Therefore food should be considered as medicine, worship, good behavior and meditation. Our thoughts, our feelings and our inner sensations affect our intestines. So with whom you are sitting with while eating, it is also important. What is being held, this is even more important.

If negative dialogue is going on, the atmosphere is impure, then food will hurt you. Husband and wife can do an experiment. Sit together and eat. You can also do it once or twice a month in a plate. Because the whole family takes the result of peace, understanding, cooperation between these two. If these two eat together, then surely the results of their inner waves and food will cause the happiness of the whole family.

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