Rain in Badaun brought relief from heat: half an hour of rain, people sweated in the evening

Rain in Badaun brought relief from heat: half an hour of rain, people sweated in the evening

Pre monsoon has become active in Badaun. It rained heavily here on Monday. People have got relief from the heat due to about half an hour of rain. Since the rain did not last long, at least the city did not have to struggle with waterlogging. The mercury was also 36 ° C rate

due to heat, there was a triggering across the district. The power cut on it also increased the problem. It became difficult for people to leave their homes amidst the day of heat. Alam was that due to the heat wave, the district administration had issued an alert not to leave the houses from 12 to 3 pm. Despite this, the number of patients of vomiting and diarrhea, including heatstroke in the hospital, was increasing day by day.

Clouds have camped since Sunday morning, but it has not been raining since two days. Was. However, people got rid of the sun to a large extent. While people breathed a sigh of relief after the rains on Monday afternoon. Whereas after the rain stopped, the humidity increased further.

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