Red Alert for Heatwave in Chandigarh: Temperature reached more than 44 degree Celsius, expected relief on June 20

Red Alert for Heatwave in Chandigarh: Temperature reached more than 44 degree Celsius, expected relief on June 20

Meteorological Department in Chandigarh has issued a red alert for today in view of the temperature. He is ahead of heatwave. But pre -monsoon rains are expected on June 20. After this, there will be a slight drop in temperature. Currently, the temperature is running above 44 ° C

The hottest night record of June

According to the Meteorological Department, the minimum temperature of the previous night was 5 degrees above normal 31.3 degrees. This has so far been the most maximum minimum temperature of the month of June. The Meteorological Department estimates that the mercury of the night can increase slightly from 32 to 33 degrees in a few days. If pre monsoon rains, then there will be a slight decrease in this temperature. But till then there is no possibility of any relief of any kind.

eight degrees more mercury

According to the Chandigarh Meteorological Center, the maximum temperature of the city on Sunday is 44.4 degrees Celsius on Sunday were recorded. It has been 8 degrees Celsius above normal. The temperature of 8 ° C above normal is a record in itself. The minimum temperature has been recorded at 31.3 degrees. This is also 5 degrees Celsius above normal. This shows that the heat of the night is going on in the night as well as in Chandigarh.

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