RGHS scam: ED to interrogate medical store and doctor, issued notice and called

East SOG and ACB have also conducted an inquiry

Jodhpur | Under the RGHS scheme, ED has now entered the scam to write medicine in the name of treating cancer and pay their payment. The ED has issued a notice to a private hospital in the city, a doctor and Jhanwar Medical Store and sought information. The first SOG and ACB have also investigated the case. Perhaps this will be the first case of Jodhpur in which this fifth investigative agency is associated for investigation. First Basni police investigated, followed by cybercrime, SOG, ACB and now ED has also put a grip. The investigation has been started by giving notice to the government official. After the RGHS scam from the concerned parties, the private hospital has also been taken for five years under the CGHS scheme. The reason for this is that the patients were not providing cashless treatment facility under the hospital administration scheme. A case of scam of crores of medicines was registered. After the case, Jhanwar Medical Director Jugal Jhanwar was arrested. After the matter came to light, the department had blocked RGHS cards of 45 beneficiaries associated with Jhanwar Medical. There are many among the card holders in which despite the lack of illness, the bills continue to be lifted through the family and the broker.

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