RPSC: Duty honorarium increased in examinations, enthusiasm among teachers for delegation

Education Reporter | Ajmer

Rajasthan Public Service Commission has increased the honorarium of observers and other staff giving duty in recruitment examinations. In view of this, the enthusiasm among teachers has also increased to give duty in the examinations. Along with remuneration and honorarium, the packing rate of the answer sheet and answer script, the rate of coordinator members and flying squads, the honorarium rates of the controller staff and the remuneration rates for hard duty allowance, paper settings, evolution have been amended. A detailed list of all these has been released. According to sources in the education department, the first person used to get 200 rupees of duty in an innings. Now it has been increased to Rs 375. On duty in two innings will now get 600 rupees.

Get the amount of cash: Rajasthan Teachers Association Radhakrishnan has welcomed honorarium and remuneration increase. Vijay Soni of the Sangh said that in the past, memorandum in this regard was given to the Commission. Its positive results came out. The government should pay the cash cash to the personnel engaged in examination tasks, so that they can get relief.

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