SI arrested for provoking IPL manager for suicide: reached the court with wife brother -in -law with the intention of surrender, police picked up

SI arrested for provoking IPL manager for suicide: reached the court with wife brother -in -law with the intention of surrender, police picked up

Indian Potash Limited (IPL) area manager Manoj Raghuvanshi Suicide case has been arrested by Ayodhya Nagar Police, the wife of the then police station in -charge of Vidisha Kotwali, SI Gaurav Raghuvanshi, the wife of the deceased, the wife of the deceased and Pintu alias Devendra, the wife of the deceased. In the three Bhopal court, on the information of the informer, the police caught the three from outside the court before surrender. In the evening, the accused have been produced in court after medical and taken on remand for three days. Important evidence related to the case is to be confiscated on the spotlight of the three. Along with this, the accused will also be questioned in this regard in this regard, where and whom the accused were cut. On June 23, Geeta Raghuvanshi was granted bail by the Supreme Court on the basis of Edge Factor. Three accused are arrested, the other three are absconding.

What was written in the suicide note

On 30 November 2023, Manoj committed suicide in his house in Ayodhya Nagar. Earlier, he wrote a suicide note, in which he wrote that I do not want to die. The wife, her cousin and warts, forced. Because of this I am committing suicide.

these people have taken millions of rupees from me. The wife makes pressure that the son will let you meet you only when you take part in the property from your mother and make the child’s name. I love son Akshay very much. Brother, keep all the property.

Do not give anything to the wife… nothing. A video of suicide was also revealed in this case. After a long investigation, the police had registered a case of abetment of suicide on 6 people on 1 March 2024, including the then police station in -charge of Manoj Raghuvanshi and Sub Inspector Gaurav Raghuvanshi. It was announced

On 9 April 2024, Superintendent of Bhopal Zone-2, Shraddha Tiwari, has declared a reward of 5 thousand rupees for informing the accused. At the same time, on April 19, the mother of Manoj Raghuvanshi gave a complaint application from the police commissioner demanding the arrest of the accused. After this, the accused could not be arrested.

Mother had complained to the police commissioner Applied, which told that my son lived in Abhinav Holmes. He was the area manager in the IPL company. She was married to Jyoti Raghuvanshi 11 years ago. Both have a 10 -year -old son Akshay.

son Manoj’s brother Gaurav Raghuvanshi is posted in SI Kotwali police station Vidisha. He has also been in charge of a police station in Vidisha district in the past, and is the cousin of daughter -in -law Jyoti. Gaurav’s father Ram Singh is also retired as ASI. Both of them used to pressurize the son in a mutual dispute between sons and daughters -in -law. He used to threaten to implicate him in a case of attempt to murder.

On 29 November 2023, his father-in-law and brother-in-law tried to file a case of attempt to murder on my son in a mutual dispute of husband and wife. He was called to Ayodhya Nagar police station. Here Gaurav tried to register a false case by making several calls to TI.

Bahu Jyoti used to go to her maternal home many times in the east. Did not return for months. He forced the son to stay apart only after making pressure. She wanted to make her property in her name. When not doing so, he used to threaten to return to the maternal home.

fed up with the threats of the day, the son had committed suicide. After a long investigation, an FIR was registered. The police party was leaving for the arrest of the accused, which was informed by SI Vinod Panthi of Ayodhya police station to Gaurav.

all the accused have been absconding since then. The reward was declared against him, but the property attachment has not been taken action. Gaurav has not been suspended even after being named by Vidisha police and being prizes. Please do the trouble of making the accused arrest soon, so that my dead son can get justice.

mention of harassment in the last video also

Manoj before Suicide The video was shot in mobile phone. In which he has said to commit suicide by getting fed up with the harassment of wife Jyoti and his 6 relatives. The police also seized this video. Along with this, the police also got a hand -written suicide note from Manoj. In which he had also written a password of his mobile.

CCTV was captured in the CCTV camera of the house

The suicide incident was captured in the CCTV cameras installed in the deceased’s house. In this video, Manoj is seen coming out of the house, wife Jyoti and son also come from behind. Suddenly Manoj becomes unconscious on the threshold. He was later rushed to the hospital. Where he is declared dead.

Station in -charge said that he was caught before the surrender

TI Mahesh Lillare said that two teams of the police station were engaged in search of the accused. Based on the information of the informer, the accused have been arrested from the court. All three, including Gaurav, have been taken on three days remand.

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