Snakes entered Haryana Secretariat, stir among employees: hidden behind files on the fourth floor, also called CM’s office, snake expert

Snake was stirred by the snake on the fourth floor of the Haryana Secretariat in Chandigarh. How the snake has reached the fourth floor is surprising. Seeing the snake, everyone’s hands and feet swelled. This was then informed to the Forest Department immediately.

snake experts were called on the spot. The snake expert caught the snake in a short time. After this, the employees breathed a sigh of relief. The snake has been caught and released into the forest.

Let us know that there is a CM office on the fourth floor of the secretariat. There is also an office of important departments here. This snake was sitting behind the files in the department. As soon as the file was taken out, the snake came out. Seeing this, the employees present in the office shouted and came to the gallery. The employee caught the snake with special tools …

2. The snake expert kept it hanging in the air for a while so that the grip of the tool could be known

3. The snake is inserted into a white canon

4. The snake ran out but the snakeman again caught

5. Put the snake in a cans and put a lid

Half a meter was long, after the snake expert of the snake department, the snake was caught with special tools. The snake was about half a meter long. Initially, it seems that he entered here from the meadow around the secretariat. Although he reached the fourth floor but no one was seen, it remains a lot of discussion.

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